The heat is on!

The southwestern part of the country and the middle of the country are roasting! Death Valley California reached 128 degrees yesterday. That is just shy of the all-time record of 134 degrees set back in 1913. It was reported that three people had to ask for emergency assistance while driving though that area because their cars overheated and stopped working. Check out this temperature map for July 18th. 100 degree heat from Texas to North Dakota.

Our main concern here in central Indiana is going to be the drought. We are not getting enough rain. The latest model indicated that we might get some rain on Thursday but the models have been wrong a lot lately. I think the models function well underneath the bell curve and they fail under extreme conditions like extreme heat or extreme cold. JMO.

Wouldn't this be nice?

I know it's hot, I know it sucks, I know it's sweaty, I know it's hard to hear people, but, please wear a mask when out and about.